How Many Uninsured Motorists In The UK
It is a little frightening to hear that around 4% of cars in the UK are uninsured. That equates to around 1.5 million vehicles on our roads.
It’s a little frightening to think of how many drivers choose to share our roads without being responsible enough to protect themselves and other third party motorists from the possible consequences of your decisions.
It is a legal requirement to have minimum motoring insurance in place if you are going to drive in Britain.
The MIB (motor insurance bureau) works to try to reimburse third parties who suffer loses as a result of drivers who have no insurance.
If you are involved in an accident with another driver, you can use ASK MID to check if they actually have insurance cover.
Not having a valid insurance policy is potentially serious, especially if you injure someone, or ever worse, cause a fatality.
There is a diehard group of drivers who persistently drive without insurance and catching them seems to be quite a challenge.
ANPR number plate recognition cameras are commonly used to check the car insurance for cars that use many public areas such as petrol forecourts, car parks, motorways, etc.
However, in many instances, the offending motorists don’t register the vehicles in their names, thus avoiding detection.
If you have been accused of driving without insurance there are several possible defences that can be used, ask Patterson Law No Insurance UK Law Experts a no obligation question about your specific case and find out how best to defend yourself.